Monthly Archives - April 2019

Challenges Faced in Implementing Performance Management Systems

Performance management systems are processes and tools created to monitor the performance of preset long and short-term goals. The process of implementing such systems is very complex and requires buy-in from all stakeholders. Here is our list of the most common challenges in implantation:   Lack of Sponsorship The implementation of performance management systems requires a strong and influential sponsor. The sponsor will rally the entire organisation towards the same goal. The lack of a significant sponsor normally results in the priority [...]

Performance Reviews – Is Moderation of Performance Scores Fair to Employees?

Performance reviews are used to generate comprehensive performance scores. Performance score moderation and adjustment is a process in which company managers come together to review and assist in changing performance scores (if necessary), agreed to between Manager and Employee in order to; Ensure that managers across the organisation have evaluated their employees using the same standardized practice. This eliminates unfairness in the performance review process. Eliminate the issue of one manager’s more lenient rating system versus another supervisor’s complex rating system. The [...]

Getting A Bonus? “Telltale” Signs That You Are Not Getting the Full Benefits of Your Bonus.

Bonus time is always exciting for those who are fortunate enough to get one. People line up to get into the manager’s office to find out if they have secured that all-enticing extra paycheque. Below are some of the “telltale” signs to take note of ensuring you are not being misled during bonus time; You Don’t Know What to Expect Knowledge on whether or not you are getting one and how much you are getting should be upfront and authentic. This is [...]