
12 Benefits of using Software as a Service

Save on hardware costs – you don’t have to procure servers to host applications and databases because your service providers hosts everything on your behalf You don’t have to go through the bureaucracy of requesting for Capex (Capital Expenditure) budgets to purchase software – SaaS payments are usually on a subscription basis (month to month) or pay as you use, so it can come off your Opex (Operational Expenditure) budget No upgrade costs – You don’t pay for upgrades because the [...]

Seeing through my Crystal Ball – 10 business trends you need to know

1. Online Advertising – Advertising is going digital ( online and mobile ) People are spending more and more time on line via their mobile devices and normal desktops. Activities like reading magazines and news papers are all moving online at a rapid pace . Marketers are realising that the “Pay per click” concept is much more scientific compared to ads aired on TV, radio and print because you can measure the ROI on advertising more accurately There is now technology which [...]

Fair Performance Management

Performance management is one of the most important areas of business because it ultimately determines whether a business creates value for its stakeholders or not. There are various stakeholders who are affected by how performance is managed namely Management, staff, shareholders and customers which makes it important to manage performance correctly. There are two important questions which need to be answered by organisations to ensure high performance; 1. Is the organisation measuring the right things? For example; there is no use [...]

Performance Management 101

By Shanice Campbell Since the early 1990s, organisations in most developed countries have invested increasingly large amounts of money and resources in measuring and managing their performance. These resources have been heavily focused to the implementation of sophisitcated software systems to help track and monitor perfomance and training on how to create a performance centred […]

Effective Performance Management

Organizations have come to realize the great impact that an effective Performance Management (PM) system has towards growth. An effective PM system is one which creates synergies between employees’ goals & aspirations and the greater vision & strategy of the organization whilst resulting in increased business productivity. Investing in this type of PM system is the starting point of getting organizations to priorities performance. One phenomenon that is becoming apparent in business, is that great progress in terms of growth [...]

The Importance of change management for PM implementation

Change has now become a strategic imperative for most organizations. Every day, new initiatives and projects are launched to improve performance, increase profits, and enhance competitive advantage. The ultimate reason for any business to exist is to make a profit for its shareholders. Parallel to this is the importance of implementing controls and key performance measures to ensure that successes are gained and repeated year after year. Implementing key performance measures can be seen as: an opportunity – to grow and innovate; [...]

Product Summaries

Click on the links below to read more about our product. Performance Review or Appraisal Aligning operations to Strategy Linking Training to Performance Conducting Staff, Climate and Culture Surveys Rewarding and incentivising Top Performers