Case Studies
Thebe Ya Bophelo Healthcare Administrators (TYB), is the healthcare administration arm of Thebe. It provides quality, affordable healthcare cover to all people Case Studies of South Africa.
iStratgo helped TYB with standardizing performance scorecards for all individuals and departments. It also assisted TYB with ensuring that all scorecards are aligned to the company strategy.
iStratgo team performed an in-depth as-is analysis on TYB’s existing scorecards and processes. It then facilitated the design of new scorecards for all departments and individuals.
Once all new scorecards were completed iStratgo consultants team customized the iStratgo software to suit TYB’s needs and requirements.
IStratgo consultants provided System Training and Change Management training to Administrators, Managers and Change Champions this was done as part of the skills transfer process.
iStratgo consultants configured the iStratgo software and rolled it out to the whole organisation.
The iStratgo team is currently providing system support to TYB on the performance management tool implemented.
TYB’s performance management process is now automated and standardized. There is now visibility across the business of how the whole business, departments and individuals are performing which has increased staff engagement. The performance appraisal period is now conducted more efficiently and completed faster due to the performance management automation.
Dashboards and reports has resulted in verified performance information being available to Managers and Executives at a click of button which has resulted in quick responses to poor performance.
Dark Fibre Africa (DFA) finances, builds, installs, manages, and maintains a world-class dark fibre network to transmit metro and long-haul telecommunications traffic in South Africa. iStratgo assisted DFA by automating the existing performance management process which was done manually using word documents and excel spreadsheet.
iStratgo adopted the existing scorecards and ensured that all scorecards were aligned to strategy, before loading them into the iStratgo Software.
iStratgo provided System Training and change management to Administrators, Managers and Staff members at DFA.
iStratgo configured the iStratgo system and rolled it out to the whole organisation.
iStratgo is currently providing system support on the performance management tool as and when required.
The DFA performance appraisal process is now automated and standardized. Line managers and employees capture their scores quarterly thus there is a clear indication of how the business, departments and individuals are performing. iStratgo has made the appraisal process much more efficient.
Mine Workers Pension Fund (MWPF), is a pension administration company focused on providing Pension Funds for people in the mining sector of South Africa.
iStratgo helped MWPF by automating the existing performance management process which was manual and paper-driven. In the process, it also assisted with standardizing performance scorecards for all staff.
iStratgo performed an in-depth analysis on MWPF’s existing performance appraisal processes. It then adopted the existing scorecards and loaded them into the iStratgo Performance Management Software.
iStratgo consultants provided System Training and change management to all the Managers and Staff at MWPF.
iStratgo consultants the iStratgo system and rolled it out to the whole organisation.
iStratgo is currently providing system support to MWPF and consulting services on how to maximise the usage of iStratgo Software.
The MWPF performance appraisal process is now automated and standardized. There is now visibility across the business of how the whole business, departments and individuals are performing. The performance appraisal period is now conducted more efficiently and completed faster due to the performance management automation.
MWPF uses Dashboards and reports to reward top performers and also to recommend training for staff not meeting performance requirements.
Carlson Wagonlit Travel (CWT), is a travel agent company, which provides travel agent services to Corporate Clients.
iStratgo assisted CWT by automating and standardising the performance appraisal process and is currently designing the CWT business scorecard.
iStratgo team performed an analysis at CWT to understand the different performance appraisal processes which were adopted by the various departments. It then conducted a survey to establish from the staff their understanding of the balanced scorecard framework which is the official framework adopted by CWT.
iStratgo team provided System Training and change management to all Staff at CWT, configured the iStratgo system and rolled it out to the whole organisation.
iStratgo team is currently providing system support to CWT and busy designing the CWT business scorecard.
The CWT performance appraisal process is now automated and standardized. The staff at CWT now has a more detailed understanding of the balanced scorecard process. iStratgo team is busy designing the CWT business scorecard.
LCP Roofing offers a complete roofing service including design, manufacture and delivery of roof trusses as well as supplying roof and roof sheeting. iStratgo assisted LCP Roofing by implementing a performance management process which was not previously practiced by the organisation.
iStratgo assisted LCP Roofing with scorecard design and facilitation using the balance scorecard approach and KPI design this was done by creating a company scorecard from scratch and cascaded that down to department and employee scorecards.
iStratgo team provided System Training and change management to all the Managers and Staff at LCP.
iStratgo team created a visual scorecard for factory workers to capture scores monthly.
The LCP roofing went from not having a performance appraisal process in place, to an automated and standardized performance appraisal process that is used on a monthly basis.
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