Empower your employees through HR

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Empower your employees through HR

With times changing and the competition for talent becoming more and more fierce, HR has to take a proactive role to empower employees. We have a created a short list of things you can do, as HR, to get the most out of your employees.


1. Give them analytics they can understand

HR is the backbone of the organisation and plays a vital role in the employee’s life. As HR, we need to empower our employees by giving them analytics they can understand. It is of no use for us to give employees data that they can’t make sense of. A comprehensive HR software will allow employees to get an understanding of their own performance.


2. Find out what your employees really want from their job

In this hyper-competitive world, it’s important that we keep a lien eye on the heartbeat of an organisation which is the people. Without our workforce, the organisation would not exist. Transformational leadership prompts us to find out more about who our employees are, what they want from their job and where they see themselves. An innovative HR System should be able to create that feedback loop for employees and allow them to achieve more.


3. Culture is king

Collin Henderson and Kate Bethell in their book titled “Culture is King” explain the importance of culture in an organisation. It is important us, as HR, to create a culture that is not only high-performing but is rewarding for the employee’s work. Rewards management is therefore key in this day and age. Gone are the days of meaningless terms such as ‘Employee of the month’ and impactful rewards have taken the forefront. A modern HR system should be able to facilitate rewards management for your employees in a simple way.

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