

Manufacturing is done by people and we let you focus on people, whilst we take care of the processes.

Why iStratgo for Manufacturing?

iStratgo software provides the insights needed to exceed your competitors. We have designed a solution that understands the overall goal of performance management which is to align the top-level goals of any manufacturing business to the complex network of activities within the manufacturing plant. Using iStratgo Individual tasks can be aligned with business strategy to produce competition beating results. iStratgo provides management with fast information that is easy to grasp, understand, and react to. iStratgo uses focused dashboards with illustrative graphics that make the results quick to read and fast to comprehend. Therefore, with iStratgo, you are continuously creating an environment of feedback easier than before.


iStratgo’s setup goes over and above to ensure that everything can be setup and managed at the click of your fingers. Everything can be set up from your Org units, Jobs, Projects, Appraisal dates, Key focus areas, Strategic objectives and Performance measures. Access to Customisable Score rating.

Performance Appraisal

A performance appraisal is a process that assesses employees job performance and productivity in relation to certain pre-defined measures and organizational objectives. Other aspects of employees’ performance are considered as well, such as developments and those areas in need of development. With iStratgo performance appraisal the employee takes control of their performance destiny by initiating the performance appraisal process.

360 Degree Feedback review

A 360 review is a professional feedback opportunity that enables a group of co-workers and managers to provide feedback on an employee’s performance. 360⁰ Feedback module on iStratgo is a functionality which enables employees to receive confidential, anonymous feedback from the people who work around them. This typically includes the employee’s manager, peers, direct reports and external stakeholders such as customers.


Performance management is created and designed to promote and improve employee effectiveness and the overall development of the organisation. Described as a continuous process, whereby general employees and managers or persons of authority work together to track, monitor and manage an employee’s work objectives or goals and his or her overall contribution to the organization in terms of performance.

Our Services

Case Studies


Drive Employee Engagement


Greater Alignment of Strategic Objectives


Overal Improved Performance Outcomes


Hermine Djiassi Poungoue TYB

“The iStratgo team are experts in performance management systems and we have learnt a lot from them”

Learn about People Management for your business