Pioneering new ways of work – The use of HR Software
Has your business pioneered new ways of work through the use of an HR tool that manages talent and performance? The outbreak of the Covid-19 global pandemic has forced businesses around the world to value the opportunity of working remotely. Operating an organisation virtually is possible without HR software – but difficult. Although many organisations adopted the work-from-home concept before, it took the global pandemic to deem it essential. Imagine running an organisation embracing remote-work but where the HR team is not making use of a cloud based tool that captures and manages human capital? Redundant. Success is a guarantee for HR teams that make use of a cloud-based software tool because of the ability to access, assess and manage performance virtually. Now more than ever, is the time for businesses to customise HR practices that pioneer new ways of work through the use of HR software.
Below are four essential ways of embracing remote-work through HR Software:
HR Software ensures business continuity
Yes, it is a time of crisis but businesses should continue to operate. This means that employees and managers need to report for duty to maintain productivity and increase profits. To have an HR software, guarantees that work continues, profit is made and employees have all the financial support they need while working remotely.
HR Software enables virtual clock-in’s
Managers, team members and leaders are able to virtually connect with colleagues from anywhere by making-use of the online clock-in system that comes with having an HR Software. Therefore, employees are not forced to be physically located at an office to clock-in and be marked present. Managers are able to see who is working remotely and who is not.
HR Software enables the effective management of employee engagement
HR systems have built-in surveying and employee engagement tools. The tools assist managers understand their team members more efficiently and proactively. Activity surveys can be completed anonymously, with the utmost confidentiality known only by the team leader or manager. Completed surveys can be can shed light on the data collected in line with the performance of each employee. Therefore, the link between the data can point to the levels of absenteeism in relation to performance outcomes. This will help leaders to determine which strategic measures need the most attention and focus.
Working remotely can make it difficult for managers to gauge the overall mood of employee well-being, participation and satisfaction. Employees generally miss-out on impromptu chit-chats, coffee breaks and lunch meetings from the workplace due to working remotely. Again, it is unrealistic for managers to check up on each and every employee in the workplace. Therefore, HR software assists managers and employees to have virtual engagements in real-time. To keep employee spirits high embedded in the overall corporate culture, an HR software is able to notify staff of employee birthdays and upcoming events. So why not adopt an HR software system that will help lighten the load of your workforce?
HR software assists in capturing absence levels in real-time
Time sheets are captured in real time and this is one benefit of using an HR software tool. Both managers and employees can make use of this feasible self-service system that allows for continuous feedback and monitoring. A line manager can always approve or disapprove online leave submissions should employees require time-off. The software assists greatly in this regard as it helps managers identify unsourced departments and under-performing employees.
The corporate industry like any other, is highly influenced by evolving information and technology. Keep up with the times and make use of an efficient tool to manage talent and performance within your organisation.