Tag - Covid-19

Now more than ever, is the time to Measure What Matters.

Now more than ever, is the time to Measure What Matters. A lot of organisations start out with the right intentions when they set out to introduce some sort of performance measurement process. They want to track metrics which help drive organisational objectives and achieve their goals. This however ends up being a messy, tedious process of tracking a multitude of metrics, most of which add little to no value. So why do organisations fail to measure performance correctly? Taking a [...]

An all in one HR Management software tool

Pioneering new ways of work – The use of HR Software

Has your business pioneered new ways of work through the use of an HR tool that manages talent and performance? The outbreak of the Covid-19 global pandemic has forced businesses around the world to value the opportunity of working remotely. Operating an organisation virtually is possible without HR software – but difficult. Although many organisations adopted the work-from-home concept before, it took the global pandemic to deem it essential. Imagine running an organisation embracing remote-work but where the HR [...]

Work from home – wellness

Working from home has become the new norm in 2020 and this adjustment calls for work from home wellness tips.  Many are teleworking full-time for the first time, secluded from co-employees, friends and family. Our daily living routines have changed leading to anxiety, stress and strain—physically, mentally, and financially. It is very normal to be stressed. That’s why it is now more important for employees to prioritize their health by practising healthy habits at home in the following ways, Keep a [...]

The Importance of HR Technology in a post Covid-19 world

The role of HR is in a state of inconsistency and only “forward-thinking” companies are predestined for success. So, now is the time for the use of HR technology that retains high levels of productivity. The future of work, post the global pandemic breeds for change and as a result, companies are finding “new ways” of work. Because of this, there is a need for new strategies that support, motivate, and equip employees to embrace this new culture. Are [...]