Tag - Team

Alignment of Talent Management Strategy with Business Strategy

How to align Talent Management with Business Strategy Alignment of Talent management with Business strategy is one of the key activities that can help on organisational performance. The biggest mistake hiring managers can ever make is recruiting wrong employees for a certain job or task. Instead of focusing on how to beef up productivity and coming up with probably new revue streams, managers waste time monitoring the employees and correcting errors that would have been made. The organisation also suffers [...]

Transforming Human Resources through Technology

HR Tech is the not the future. It is the NOW. The world has seen Human Resources technology evolve in time in order to catch up with the digital environment. From Paper-Based Systems where the HR department operated in isolation, to Early Personal Computer technology (which only had the functionality of storing employee data), to Electronic Database Systems (which allow for integration to other business functions and production of reports) and finally now to Web-Based technology (which focuses on automating as [...]

The future looks digital! An era of the digitised HR function

The future looks digital! Have you seen it? Human resources or people management is often seen as an independent function. Some would even go further to say human resources and/or people management is often the least prioritised for digitisation and innovation. Due to the current COVID-19 crisis, most organisations have been found unprepared. Therefore, Lack of adequate Technology to support their workforce who are forced to work from home has been a weakness for most organisations. Organisations not having invested [...]

The perks of working remotely: Employees and Managers

The perks of Working Remotely: Employees and Managers While the concept of working remotely or “working-from-home” is categorically what it says, it offers the opportunity of commuting from your bedroom to your designated work station, with your pyjamas being your choice of dress for the day. However, remote work can be defined as working from anywhere outside of the traditional borders of an office space. Technology is evolving, and so is the need for breeding new innovative ways of work. [...]

Remote working in South Africa – Are we ready?

Are we ready for remote workers or working from home?   One of the ways organisations are dealing with #CoronaVirus is to encourage employees to work from home. Remote working is identified as one of the “new ways of work” that we have seen being adopted in recent years. For some organisations, it’s business as usual as they use remote skilled workers to do work they do not have skills for internally and for others it is a way to [...]

9 Steps to establishing a Performance Driven Organisational Culture

 “Culture is simply a shared way of doing something with a passion.” – Brian Chesky, Co-Founder, CEO, Airbnb The culture of an organisation is one of those intangibles that define how an organisation carries itself as a collective. Culture is sometimes perceived to be the soft and fluffy stuff that is defined by individuals that studied psychology and human behaviour sitting in the HR department. My definition of a performance culture is: how organisations create systems and ways to deliver superior [...]

10 Tips on Team Building…

Want A Winning Team? By Chrissie Kafalinji “Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision. The ability to direct individual accomplishments toward organizational objectives. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results.” -Andrew Carnegie Teaming up – Teamwork might not seem like an essential component of your business. Unfortunately, the true value of teamwork can only be understood once it has been witnessed. If you are willing to experiment with a more collaborative environment then here are some [...]

The Impact of Colour in your Business

The Power of Colour: How to use Colour to attract more Customers. By Chrissie Kafalinji   Have you ever considered the impact that colour might have on your Business?   If not, then this article might shock you as research proves that the attraction of customers may be based on your colour scheme…   Colour Associations: Red: This colour creates a sense of urgency and is often associated with movement, excitement and passion. Blue: This colour simulates productivity, while creating a tranquil and reliable environment. Green: This colour is [...]

10 Tips for Entrepreneurs

Being an entrepreneur is difficult and not having guidance makes it even worse. Here’s a tip or two that could help. 10 Tips for Entrepreneurs by Chrissie Kafalinji   Tip 1: “Changes call for innovation, and innovation leads to progress.”- Li Keqiang Entering the Business world is not as easy as it may seem. One of the hardest issues is convincing people that your product or service is somehow better than the rest and actually worth their time. The fact is if you’re entering [...]