Tag - Wealth

Remote working in South Africa – Are we ready?

Are we ready for remote workers or working from home?   One of the ways organisations are dealing with #CoronaVirus is to encourage employees to work from home. Remote working is identified as one of the “new ways of work” that we have seen being adopted in recent years. For some organisations, it’s business as usual as they use remote skilled workers to do work they do not have skills for internally and for others it is a way to [...]

Trying to balance all of your money

How to make your money last to the next month and beyond

Financial education is a very scarce resource that only a few of us have been taught. With rising debt default rates and increasing cost of living, it is important now more than ever that we teach each other how to manage our money so we stop living from paycheck-to-pay-check.   By 2022, roughly 40% of the workforce will be millennials meaning that they have only had a few years of having access to disposable income. This means that there is a [...]