Talent Management

Talent Development

You cannot afford to lose talent. iStratgo helps you identify, develop, reward and retain talent.

Talent Management Overview

iStratgo Talent Management serves as a developmental platform that enables the attraction, involvement, engagement, retention and deployment of candidates that display excellence in their fields. Talent management is critical for retaining the top talent and managing out non Performers.

Personal Development Plan

A personal development plan is to act as a document that gives an overview in regards to self-analysis, personal reflection and a transparent appraisal of your strengths and weaknesses. This enables you to evaluate yourself and strategically plan how to develop.


The main assets of any organisation is their Human Capital. The constant and continuous development of everyone in the organisation is essential in ensuring maximum growth and in return maximum profit as a more skilled organisations with be better equipped in generating more opportunities.

Talent Matrix

Instead of the common nine-box grid talent matrix. iStratgo has created an easier four block method that simplifies the entire process. Displaying the eligible for promotion, those capable, those lacking progress and those in need of development.


Talent Management is the strategic application of the best method to recruit, train and retain top talent. This is essential to any organisation aiming to be the best in their domain. This ensures the complete exposure and use of the entire workforce in the areas that they excel and the development of those considered weaker and in need of assistance.

Our Blogs


Sales Manager Freddy Robertson

“Partnering with iStratgo was an important step for us at LCP Roofing, because we’ve experienced enormous growth and feel that alignment of strategic objectives and the management of individual performance is key to successful growth management”

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